a b o u t m e
contact : Ocean . Sang . in . Space (at) g mail (dot) com
what a beautiful planet,
I am in love ...
I am in love ...
when we think of Earth first
we meet the sweetest us within our hearts
- mermaid sutra -

pic :
me & my son @ his 1st bday
I am a native Japanese who was born in a year of Ox, 1961. since when I was a child I always liked art & crafts, and had been wishing to be an artist, yet I did not have the strong motivation for my name to be known as an artist since there are so so so many artists in a society that I did not think I could be one of successful ones.
since when I was a little, I already had this messages within me, that to change the world, God doesn't help me/us which must have related to the meaning of the Law of Attraction, and micro-cosmos - macro-cosmos, and spirituality ( religions ) & science ( technology ) will become one. however, as I grew bigger I had begun to realize that the message of changing the world was too overwhelming that I could not comprehend how to manage the vastness, that I learned to ignore. probably, I am not the only one who have felt that way. it seems I was to oppose to anything in order to ignore the voice within. and when was around 27, I began to agitate to accept to be 30's within a few years for who did not experience much in life. it was around the time called Saturn Return in astrology term, might have been something to do with Uranus. "I don't like Japan!... why are Japanese all like this ?!" I had just kept complaining about. I was just a prissy who was not able to do anything better then just complaining, and who could not even have imagined to live in a foreign country alone that I was not even able to go to a post office alone (too many people to deal with ! ... haha) yet I visited my friend in NYC in such a moment alone, the first time ever to have gotten in airplane by myself ... was scary. and at the second time of my visit with her, I bluntly decided to live in the united states of America ( ! ) ... I went back to Japan & got a student visa & flew back in to the united states. ... however, as I left home land Japan, now I can see why I complained so much was just because I cared, and now I feel I have become a Japanese finally here in the U.S. that I see the beauty in my home country, Japan ... by understanding & experiencing the uniqueness of this foreign country.
as I never imagined myself to live in a foreign country, I did not prepare myself with anything so that I barely understood English. however, there do not need much proper English living in NYC, 'cuz the city knows how to communicate with foreigners ... but that can be the reason that English would not be improved and which was my problem living in the foreign country. as I was such a prissy who just kept complaining and then I was in the middle of the big city with total freedom. it felt like " here you are ! you do not need to complain anymore, you are free ! so show us what you can do now. " I became 30 in NYC, if you grew up in a one spot, you must have built some life with friends and places to hang out and to kill sometime with but a life started with nothing at 30. however, I was too busy to build my life that there was no time for me to be fearful of living in unfamiliar city. at some point, I worked during lunch time @ a restaurant, then went to school, then worked @ a karaoke bar til 3am in a morning, ... people say NYC is dangerous but fortunately I never had any experience in danger in NYC. I had heard from some people who repeatedly experienced the danger, that I now can see the law of attraction there, too. I also heard many times that NewYorkers are very cold people but I understood that it was not about being cold. but it was about busy-ness and also that is just because of the tough love they learn living in the big city where help can not be help but spoil the growth. they rather spend their valuable time & energy on their own dream & passion and to be respected their value so to respect others', that help can weaken others ... so that I also learned respect & dignity by living there.

fortunately ... or not, NYC is just so exciting ! just living there is exciting ! anything seems possible ! ... but I suddenly came to the realization that living in the NYC is exciting doesn't mean my life is exciting. the world outside of mine was exciting but not my own life. I came to the decision to leave NYC, and that was where the journey of searching what I am began. NYC was like the first school for me where I had learned so much how to live in the foreign country, that I am grateful for that. and to Chinami who had brought me to NYC at the first place, and Masami who has become one of my dear friends in my life, and the people @ Go Restaurant on st Marks, and the healer Atacama, I thank you all so much for being there for my first step in the foreign country.
pic, above : the first visit in NYC '89
( then, having moved to Dallas, TX, to Silicon Valley, CA, to Ashland, OR and to Mount Shasta, CA NOW )
the message of change the world within me had even become bigger as I came to the U.S., just changing the world sounds too much but the images & visions grew within me that I just had to ignore and pretend they were not there, that I just had to determine that " no way ! I am not capable, period ! " but the gap between supposed-to-do & avoidance also grew bigger and I became ill. I had to learn the hard way that is how the body & the heart communicate. as I now finally am able to accept the messages or the desire of the soul I chose, it is not about whether I can make it or not but is about whether I live for it or not. and not anyone else but I was the one who had already set up the limitation of my own potential. life is created/led by the choices we make, what and whom to listen to, what and whom to watch ... etc.
for my hope for " May True Health, Wealth and Intelligence be back to Earth" I ... or I should say, the soul I chose is really about Earth, to merge with Earth. my mind had tended to go "up there" and I was not happy ... and at some point of my life, began to have past lives recalls and have come to the realization of the connection between my soul & the Earth, no wonder I was not happy longing "up there". and people call me "eco" which how my name sounds, and which simply reminds anyone of ecology. so that I some what have great interest in ecology. ecology not only in material & physical world but also spiritual world.
in this plane, ecology is the significant basic but we humans have been ignoring the fact ... or rather be said, a long time ago, those who understood "something" began to play the game, like mind game or power game. and majority of humans did not know what was going on and have kept living without acknowledging the true power within. there were the periods of time that I worried so so much about the Earth but now I know that Earth can take care of herself. humans have been overestimating the power game & war game but the fact is, thousands of people can be gone easily if Earth just sneeze a bit. such time, the journey of my thought " why do we exist " had begun.
humans are not said to be the brightest being on Earth. we might not be the smartest and greatest but there must be the reason for us to exist here on Earth.
just because of my site, people tend to see me wishing for peace on Earth, but if I really define my wish, I value Joy more over anything ( and for that, responsibility & freedom are inevitable ) and where the joy come from is creativity. all the living beings on Earth have the creativity, the intelligence. animals & bugs are the genius of Ecology. they learn their own ability and evolve in order to house the nature. it is survival yet beauty. "eco" came from Greek and means Home and "logy" means study & science. what bugs do is the true ecology, indeed.
the all living creatures on Earth are the artist. everyone is born as an artist. Earth herself is the artist, likes attract likes, the artists attracted artists :) art doesn't mean to belong to gallery, theater and museum, but creativity, the intelligence, and the expression. math, laws, repair, science, ... anything, ... all is by our creative mind. bugs and animals are the artist in nature, and the intelligence itself. what are humans, then ?
all exist just because of Earth. humans have been even hidden from the truth yet we have been productive just because of the nature of the intelligence, the creativity. humans are different from bugs & animals. we do have the free will and feel the joy & ecstasy through our creativity ! through the potential that Earth holds and our creativity, we enjoy Earth and Earth enjoys the productions. no matter how many treasures Earth holds but no value if there were no artists who enjoy the materials.
nature itself expresses their art, bugs, microbes and animals express their intelligence. just that, while they express their own unique creativity, they also contribute the great task to maintain the health of Earth. every living creature is inevitable for maintaining Earth's health, the digestion. ( just as a reminder : the most important way to maintain our health physically is healthy digestion. intestinal bacteria/microbes work for our bodies, ... and bugs, microbes & animals work for Earth. same thing, isn't it ?) and humans are the artists to produce "the shape" from the Earth's potential. for example, we cut a tree, the tree die, yet shaping the tree can give the second life to the tree, that the art gives the second life to the tree, the appreciation & the impression through art that can give the tree the value again. however, now that the time has come to humans that we learn from bugs & animals. the time has come that our intelligence must reach the level of bugs & animals have that work for Earth's digestion. so that it is not just a matter of not to waste or not to litter but also to give appreciation to Earth. when we appreciate, we will begin to understand what to do. it is ok for us to want to be luxury & want more, that is our nature (evolution, expansion & growth) but just to give appreciation and return to Earth when our creation turn to trash. ... and when our intelligence reaches the level of bugs & animals, our productions will easily be able to go back to Earth. and humans will be more creative and feeling the ecstasy of life.
thank you so much for reading & your kind patience with my Engwish ...
pic, above : the first visit in NYC '89
( then, having moved to Dallas, TX, to Silicon Valley, CA, to Ashland, OR and to Mount Shasta, CA NOW )
the message of change the world within me had even become bigger as I came to the U.S., just changing the world sounds too much but the images & visions grew within me that I just had to ignore and pretend they were not there, that I just had to determine that " no way ! I am not capable, period ! " but the gap between supposed-to-do & avoidance also grew bigger and I became ill. I had to learn the hard way that is how the body & the heart communicate. as I now finally am able to accept the messages or the desire of the soul I chose, it is not about whether I can make it or not but is about whether I live for it or not. and not anyone else but I was the one who had already set up the limitation of my own potential. life is created/led by the choices we make, what and whom to listen to, what and whom to watch ... etc.
for my hope for " May True Health, Wealth and Intelligence be back to Earth" I ... or I should say, the soul I chose is really about Earth, to merge with Earth. my mind had tended to go "up there" and I was not happy ... and at some point of my life, began to have past lives recalls and have come to the realization of the connection between my soul & the Earth, no wonder I was not happy longing "up there". and people call me "eco" which how my name sounds, and which simply reminds anyone of ecology. so that I some what have great interest in ecology. ecology not only in material & physical world but also spiritual world.
in this plane, ecology is the significant basic but we humans have been ignoring the fact ... or rather be said, a long time ago, those who understood "something" began to play the game, like mind game or power game. and majority of humans did not know what was going on and have kept living without acknowledging the true power within. there were the periods of time that I worried so so much about the Earth but now I know that Earth can take care of herself. humans have been overestimating the power game & war game but the fact is, thousands of people can be gone easily if Earth just sneeze a bit. such time, the journey of my thought " why do we exist " had begun.
humans are not said to be the brightest being on Earth. we might not be the smartest and greatest but there must be the reason for us to exist here on Earth.
just because of my site, people tend to see me wishing for peace on Earth, but if I really define my wish, I value Joy more over anything ( and for that, responsibility & freedom are inevitable ) and where the joy come from is creativity. all the living beings on Earth have the creativity, the intelligence. animals & bugs are the genius of Ecology. they learn their own ability and evolve in order to house the nature. it is survival yet beauty. "eco" came from Greek and means Home and "logy" means study & science. what bugs do is the true ecology, indeed.
the all living creatures on Earth are the artist. everyone is born as an artist. Earth herself is the artist, likes attract likes, the artists attracted artists :) art doesn't mean to belong to gallery, theater and museum, but creativity, the intelligence, and the expression. math, laws, repair, science, ... anything, ... all is by our creative mind. bugs and animals are the artist in nature, and the intelligence itself. what are humans, then ?
all exist just because of Earth. humans have been even hidden from the truth yet we have been productive just because of the nature of the intelligence, the creativity. humans are different from bugs & animals. we do have the free will and feel the joy & ecstasy through our creativity ! through the potential that Earth holds and our creativity, we enjoy Earth and Earth enjoys the productions. no matter how many treasures Earth holds but no value if there were no artists who enjoy the materials.
nature itself expresses their art, bugs, microbes and animals express their intelligence. just that, while they express their own unique creativity, they also contribute the great task to maintain the health of Earth. every living creature is inevitable for maintaining Earth's health, the digestion. ( just as a reminder : the most important way to maintain our health physically is healthy digestion. intestinal bacteria/microbes work for our bodies, ... and bugs, microbes & animals work for Earth. same thing, isn't it ?) and humans are the artists to produce "the shape" from the Earth's potential. for example, we cut a tree, the tree die, yet shaping the tree can give the second life to the tree, that the art gives the second life to the tree, the appreciation & the impression through art that can give the tree the value again. however, now that the time has come to humans that we learn from bugs & animals. the time has come that our intelligence must reach the level of bugs & animals have that work for Earth's digestion. so that it is not just a matter of not to waste or not to litter but also to give appreciation to Earth. when we appreciate, we will begin to understand what to do. it is ok for us to want to be luxury & want more, that is our nature (evolution, expansion & growth) but just to give appreciation and return to Earth when our creation turn to trash. ... and when our intelligence reaches the level of bugs & animals, our productions will easily be able to go back to Earth. and humans will be more creative and feeling the ecstasy of life.
thank you so much for reading & your kind patience with my Engwish ...
and I also thank you so much for your visit & finding my site.
I will be honored if my sites will be contributing in your living in any way.
contact : Ocean . Sang . in . Space ( a t ) G m a i l ( d o t ) c o m
I will be honored if my sites will be contributing in your living in any way.
contact : Ocean . Sang . in . Space ( a t ) G m a i l ( d o t ) c o m