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Stop Whaling
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Watch our own attitude toward Mother Nature first
- Overfishing, pollution threaten world's oceans ( news on 11/02/06 )
"Whether we looked at tide pools or studies over the entire world's oceans, we saw the same picture emerging," said Boris Worm a marine biologist at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia and the team leader. "In losing species we lose the productivity and stability of entire ecosystems.
"I was shocked and disturbed by how consistent these trends are -- beyond anything we suspected. If the long-term trend continues, all fish and seafood species are projected to collapse within my lifetime -- by 2048," said the 37-year-old scientist.
Jane Lubchenko, a leading marine biologist at Oregon State University who was not involved in the study, called the report "a really focused analysis and a compelling message of urgency and hope."
"It shows conclusively how ocean ecosystems are being seriously disrupted, but that the downward spiral can be reversed," said Lubchenko, a former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. "
( please read the whole article click here : )
so, ... our resources in the ocean are perishing ... it seems the population of consumers of seafood has increased, which means so many of us have been realizing and (re)acknowledging the benefit from seafood. however, the ecosystems of our nature is totally out of balance so that the ocean life is not re generating itself anymore. we must save the fish and other sea creatures. but what and where can we start participating to bring back our ecosystem s on this planet ... ?
is whaling serving to marine ecology ... ?
- Japan Whaling Association : Q & A ( Japan is the one of the countries who still insist whaling and which even is for scientific reason ... )
"Q5 Why does Japan conduct whale research in the Southern Ocean when it is an international whale sanctuary?
It is important to understand that the Southern Ocean Sanctuary applies only to commercial whaling. It does not apply to research. Japan's research catch of whales in the Antarctic is perfectly legal under Article VIII of the Convention which provides that any contracting Government may issue a special permit authorising the take of whales for scientific purposes.
"The proposal to establish a Southern Ocean whale sanctuary, which abruptly came up at the 1992 IWC meeting, was a political push by anti-whaling nations to put an end to whaling regardless of reason. It was also an attempt to drive a wedge between Japan, which wishes to establish a system of conservation and sustainable use of marine resources in all areas, and such countries as Norway and Iceland that seek to resume whaling in their national waters.
"The anti- whaling forces sought to impose a total ban on whaling in the Antarctic regardless of the fact that the IWC has the ability to safely manage the sustainable use of the areas abundant whales including a population of over 760,000 fast-reproducing minke whales. The proposal was adopted in 1994, without regard to scientific evidence that argued against the need for a sanctuary.
"The scientific evidence researched by the IWC's Scientific Committee demonstrated up to 2,000 minke whales could be taken each year without any impact on their population. This is the basis on which Japan is making its request for establishment of a commercial whaling quota. Of even more concern is that the creation of the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary is the imbalance this is causing to the ecosystem.
"It is common sense in wildlife resource management that excessive protection of only one part of an ecosystem, especially the component at the top of the food chain, except when it is at a very low stock level, will impair the balance of the ecosystem as a whole and will invite instability of the resources in question."
( to read the entire page on their Q & A, click here : )
... so it seems to be the reason of Japan's whaling ... that the biggest eaters in the ocean, whales, are the one to blame ... the krill is very important for the marine ecology and whales also eat so krill ... so whales are the one that damaging the resource of the marine ecosystems and we should reconsider the reason why those Japanese people and the other kill whales ? ............
what does the krill do ... ?
click - Krill & the Circle of Life by Bruce Torrie :
- Virtual Antarctica : Ecology
"The higher species of flesh-eaters or carnivores in the Antarctic (the penguins, seals, seabirds, fish and squid, as well as the giant baleen whales) all feed on krill. This makes the Antarctic marine food web relatively simple, with krill as the key or central species. In the entire food chain there are only three or four levels of species: from the basic photosynthetic organisms or primary producers - the phytoplankton - to the higher flesh-eating levels that include species such as whales, seals and birds. The top carnivores are the orca and leopard seals who feed on penguins, squid and other seals.
"Ironically, it is the largest animals that are most endangered -- because of their dependence on this one food source, krill, baleen whales such as humpbacks, fins and blue whales would be most susceptible to changes in the krill population.
"While a stock quantity of up to several hundred million tons of Antarctic krill is believed to exist, this figure is based on the estimated consumption of krill by its predators, numbers which are unreliable at best. Until the abundance and the biology of this little-known species is better understood, biologists remain concerned about the possibility of over-fishing and the enormous damage it could cause to the Antarctic marine food chain. "
( click - please read the whole articles on those links if you wish to know more : )
but is killing whales really helping our marine ecology to be balanced ... ?
please read about the whale falls ...
- Whale Fall
"A whale fall is a dead whale carcass that sinks to the bottom of the ocean. The body of a 50-ton whale can sustain up to 80 years worth of life. ... "The communities are remarkable," Smith says. One whale can support 3,400 individual creatures that belong to more than 200 species, including mussels, sharks, clams, and worms.
"It's among the most species-rich habitats in the deep sea," he says.
"A decline in whale populations would mean a decrease in whale falls. As a result, many specialized species would become extinct. For example, calculations show that, if whale falls went down by 75 percent, about 30 to 40 percent of the species that depend on these falls for survival would die out. "
click - Science News for Kids : Whale Watch :
click - A Whale of a Tale by Robin Meadows :
so ... what is really destroying this planet ... if the reason of slaughtering whales can be the reason to protect the resource of our ecosystems of this planet ... there is the greater and the greatest cause that need to be pointed out. if we can kill one species for the reason of destroying the planetary ecosystem ... then, as we all know, we, the humans, are the obvious one who has been causing and messing up the circle of life. if any other species on this planet had the ego and ability to stand up, then we, the humans, would have been the one to be KILLED. ... maybe, why aliens abduct us ?
we must reconsider our own actions in order to clean up our mess and work harder to bring back our nature's intelligence, the ecosystems. we must participate and contribute our time and money for the sake of all beings on this planet who have been there for us, humans, nurturing us and our children. ... humans really need to learn gratitude which will teach us to respect the nature's intelligence, ecosystems.
- 'Scientific' whaling a con: study
- New Australian research shows Japans scientific whaling is a sham :
- Reward offered for Japan whalers' location :
also ...
I just found out about slaughtering dolphins in Japan ... I am still in the shock to have seen the cruelty ( of Japanese ) ... humans can do such a thing for money. ( yes, we kill others for money ) ... I do understand that we must feed our families and children. but are they really in the desperation of finding no other sources than slaughtering dolphins ?!
- Help Stop the Largest and Cruelest Slaughter of Dolphins in the World! :
- The shocking truth about Japanese whale meat :
- watch : Dolphin Protest 2005 in Japan :
( I thank Star Fish very much for her contribution and passion for this issue. )
( if you have the courage to watch the truth, type in dolphin slaughter on ... but please be warned, they are really shockingly brutal ... )
please HELP LEAVE THEM ALONE ... for the sake of them, and marine ecology ... and that feed us after all ... and mind our own business, there are many more our own issues to work on.
click - [ Petition ] Stop Whaling Now ! :
click - [ Petition ] End Dolphin Slaughter in Japan ! :
( those people on whaling and slaughtering dolphins will lose their jobs by our protesting. those who protest whaling and slaughtering are not intending to take away their jobs or business. and just for the sake to run the economy in their homes can not be the reason to keep their crude practice. we humans are very intelligent that we can find the ways to earn money and feed our children without KILLING, SLAUGHTERING, MURDERING, DESTROYING. we must consider our own actions for the ecosystems now before we wipe out our entire resources on this planet. we work so hard for money. but does it really benefit us ? does our hard working benefit us and this planet's health ... ? do not feed our money on the waste, please reconsider to feed back to our planet and all the beings who nurture us. we take so much and too much from them but what we give back to them in return is pollution and poisoning ... and disrespect. )
please, help spreading the word ...
and please consider using Earth, Eco and Environmentally-Friendly products and recycling ... we do not always have to protest wrongs other people do, there are things what we can do right at where we are to show our care to our planet.
go to - references-harmful substances we support blindly
"As long as humanity continues to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings,
we will never know health or peace.
For as long as people massacre animals,
they will kill each other. Indeed,
he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."
--- Pythagoras
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