this is a part of my old (first) site
I created a few years ago
I have moved from old space to here
not updated
Be Earth Universe
Stay at Home Dads more references my story Stop Bulling
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children."
- Native American Proverb
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children."
- Native American Proverb
since when I was a child I had heard about birthing was too painful and pregnancy was pretty annoying. and there were a few who told me wonderful things about pregnancy and birthing. now I am one of the few and I know there are more than a few who agree with the few. through my experience, pregnancy is the most beautiful journey women could experience, and a birthing is the most powerful moment women could experience. these four stages, before pregnant ( especially the first one ), pregnancy, birthing, and after the birth ... they seem like there is no sequence ... those four stages are as if totally different ...... women could experience this. I hear so many strange stories that have taken at hospitals. giving a shot to the mother so that the mother doesn't have to go through the labor pain ? a nurse jump on the mother's tummy in order to push the baby out ? ... so many interruptions and distractions proceeded at the sacred moment of birth. I must not say all labors must be by natural birth but we must respect and honor the space for the mother and the baby/s.
it is our responsibility ...
if we are to be parents ( or not ), we must maintain our health, we must honor our bodies as the temples where such sacred rituals will be taken place for conceiving and nurturing the sacred beings to enter to this world. please do not abuse your body, you might think that is yours but it won't be when it comes to conceive a child ...
- pollution in newborns :
- pregnancy and smoking : Common Questions pregnets : org/mothers/
- Smoking and Kids' Genes :
Be Earth - Birth
- birth story
- Birth stories - BABY MOON :
- home birth
Protecting Your Children Before They are Born :
Having a Baby? Ten Questions to Ask :
Midwife Archives :
- water birth
Watertub Kit :
Waterbirth Website :
Birth Healing and Beyond :
What I Learned From the First Hospital Birthing Pool :
book : We Are All Water Babies :
- dolphin midwifery
Underwater Birth and dolphins :
Birth with Dolphins :
GENTLY DOES IT... the natural waterbirth pioneer :
Dolphin Heealing :
- life before birth
I know quite a few books in Japanese that children tell their mothers that they chose their mothers looking down at their mothers from a sky before they manifest to this plane. but somehow I couldn't find it in English on line ... does anyone know what I am talking about ?
Pioneer of Pre-Birth Communication :
Birth Experiences :
Pre-& Perinatal Psychology and Health :
Health and Wellness :
- Astrology to understand our children
it is not that we should follow the map but observing our children understanding through astrology how they do in their lives and why they "do" the way they do should help understand children deeper especially when we get into the moments that tend to misunderstand their tendencies and behavior and which can lead to build the distrust between parents/guardians and children, and which even might lead to crimes.
Using Astrology to Understand Your Children :
- creativity
Extroversion and Introversion :
Heart Math and the Magical Child :
- co-sleeping
I believe in co-sleeping that is very inevitable for babies. they come through the long journey to be with us. through 9 months an egg and a sperm go through the sacred process and there is a soul awaiting to manifest into an embodied being by it's own choice of parents. we parents get excited through 9 months and after all the enthusiastic and expectation, many parents leave their babies in separate rooms within a few months or even weeks. many parents and grandparents believe the sooner the better for babies to be separated so that they don't have to go through the difficulty of sleeping alone later. ... they, the children, made such great decisions to come here and had gone through the long journey ... they must be able to handle difficulties ? ... why are parents the one to make the assumption ( conclusion ) for their children if they can handle or not ? why don't parents let their children decide their own choices or handle the difficulties later ? ... so that parents do not have to deal with the moment of the child/ren's having difficulty ? so that can make easy on parents ? ... is that really for children's sakes to be separated that soon ... or parents ? it is not that we parents must wait until children tell us when they want to sleep alone ( at some point they will tell us when they want to sleep alone especially if they aready have their own rooms ) but " at least " the first year babies deserve " at least " sleeping in the same room. if children have hard times later then handle the moment together and share the moment of growth together.
there seems to have safety reasons for the parents to not sleep together with babies. through our time, co-sleeping has been practiced in so many cultures and tribes, and those babies and children must have been received so much attention by their parents ( care takers and guardians ) through day and night. however, the parents in a modern time now are too busy to be at home ... can't babies deserve at least good night sleep and bonding with their parents through a night ? ... sleeping in a separate room might provide children the space to grow as an independent person within ... but what kind of independency they have been learning ? can't babies deserve to be babies when they are babies ? ... we do not see many children who are respectful and graceful now a day anymore, caring and giving ? parents now a day have been absence from children's worlds ... parents now a day do not have the time to share the wisdom and love with their children. ( yes, day care centers do ....... ? ) criminals and depression have been growing bigger and bigger. the children now a day are the ones who must learn how to survive and adjust in this society on their own ways ... does that already start in children's lives when they are being separated to sleep alone in their own rooms ? let babies be babies when they are babies.
have you heard your child/ren laugh while she/he/they are sleeping ?
once we have a child/ren. it should not be about patent/s and a child/ren. it must be about a family who grow together.
Our Family Bed Story :
Dr Nick Carr interview :
- intentional versus reactive cosleeping :
- sharing the bed with your child :
- cultural influences article :
- breast feeding
- 101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child :
- ABCs of Breastfeeding :
- Does breastfeeding make your child smarter ? :
- Breast-Fed Babies Handle Stress Better ? :
- Baby Milk Action :
- Breastfeeding Tips & Guide
- circumcision
- One More Mother Opposed To Infant Circumcision... :
- Circumcision: The Cruelest Cut :
< discipline >
Zen_in_the_Art_of_Archery :
I think it is a common agenda and dilemma for parents to provide the spaces for our children to learn the balance between discipline and freedom. we do not want to say NO too much yet we do not want to spoil our children. especially through the process of growth, it is ok to let children do what they want to do in order to cultivate their potentials / creativity especially when they are babies ... however, it must shift at some point as they grow that children must learn the rules and respect in order to learn harmony, to learn the communication in harmony, in common sense and common courtesy, moral, besides, to let them express themselves as they wish yet not to be caught up with their emotions and desires.
I believe learning discipline leads ourselves into much serenity of life. discipline is not about being restricted, discipline is to control one's own life, not the other way around to be controlled by others or one's life and emotions, the ego. discipline can bring the objective views of life, oneself and others instead of being involved and caught up with, or carried away.
at a first stage, we might have to deal with our own insecurity when being strict to our children. " I might be hurting him/her saying no. " but we need to be aware of the insecureness of our own weakness, therefore, we also need to learn and build the strength of love to trust our children " they can do it !" we might feel, " my child/ren might not be learning anything from strictness but just being afraid of me ... " the weakness within parents is being challenged. if children seem to be afraid in the circumstances, I believe it is the stage that children have to go through in order to learn respect and discipline. in the beginning they do not know what learning respect is, therefore, they feel afraid of and confused with our strictness. but through that they will eventually learn the differences that the strictness comes from love and something to learn for themselves. children need to feel and learn to deal with feelings. we must not take away their opportunities to feel and learn. " they might feel hurt, they might not like it. ", we must not stop ourselves from giving our children the chances to learn through their own feelings and thoughts by our conclusion of how would they feel or how would they react. we are not them, they are the ones to feel and to deal with their lives. let them experience and let them deal with, and let them grow. to feel is so inevitable for life ... those criminals ... do they feel enough ? do they know how to deal with their own feelings ? do they know how to control one's own life ? through feelings we can learn and find the balance. for that, we must not interrupt too much to take away the occasions from children to learn from by giving them comfort all the time before they react by their own feelings and thoughts. however, at the same time we must be aware of what is going on and be watching over to keep them from danger. we also must learn when to be involved and when to be in distance. ... balance, discipline. yes, it is not so easy. ... love just is not simply spoiling and indulging, or entertaining. those givings can also ruin their space to be creative, they need some space to be alone in order to handle the space being creative, too, yet giving too much empty space also lead their intelligence to be misused. and discipline is absolutely not punishment. it must be attentions, awareness, that we give to our children with or without actual help. help can not always become helpful. and parents must be aware of what is going on with our children.
we must not expose our children into violence, those who have less tolerance of anger must see and identify the roots within yet we also must not be too careful that prevent our children from learning and dealing. let them handle and trust them they can do it and make it through. they must grow their own judgment and find the balance for their own sakes. we all must achieve inner strength.
this is my prayer, I hope this will reach to anyone besides those who are already parents. all children need to be watched in a community, they need to know they are cared. please do not neglect if children are doing something absolutely wrong, let them know about it. many children now a day sadly do not know common sense, common courtesy or respect ( ... the list can go on ). they have been given too much empty space called freedom as they grow and the empty spaces get filled with gadgets and junk, which have led our children to get involved with so many crimes and irresponsible actions, even those children who live sincerely become victims. they are wasting the treasure of their potentials. for that we must as a community nurture them in the space of inner strength where they can cultivate their true potentials. we must protect our children, they are the one who can watch over our planet, all animals and nature in our future. let us be the role models for them. ... in fact, ... there are so many parents who know so much about handling and raising children, however, children are the teachers. if they are doing wrong then they are teaching us that is the consequence of our negligence of attention. what we reap is what we have sown.
- book : the Discipline Book by Martha & William Sears :
< Vaccination & Immunization Issues >
please question if it is the right thing to do for the body especially to babies and children.
- Six Common Misconceptions about vaccination :
- Health Hazards of Vaccines: : shirleys-wellness-
- Deadly immunity :
- Autism, vaccines, and an answer to bioterrorism :
- Death By Lethal Vaccine Infection :
watch : Vaccination - The Hidden Truth (1998) : 1hr 31 min
Stay at Home Dads
more references for understanding and growing with children
a few confessions from my beating heart by Ben Stein
Stop Bulling !
my story (blog)
eco community . sex education . preventive medicine . water & earth
old home . world wide love . network business . private parts . purpose of site