this is a part of my old (first) site
I created a few years ago
I have moved from old space to here
not updated
Stop Bulling
these are references about the fact of kid bullying ... children are supposed to be innocent and have so much potential for the great creativity ... yet some learn to ruin themselves and others instead ... and that bring so much sorrow into our communities. we must understand the roots and how to give love to those children who bully who obviously don't receive the enough nutrition in many aspects for their growth. unfortunately, there are so many who are/were not ready to be parents or guardians for children, ... but we can not just blame them, they also did not have the environment to learn better about a family. and the parents and guardians of them must have not had the environment to learn better about a family either. we must break the chain and change now. if those children can not receive the attentions at their homes then we must give the attentions to the children and other children on streets, at schools, and in communities. and also to give the strength and encouragement to those children who are bullied to stay strong and even to make friends with bullies to guide them to be out of the unhealthy circumstances. ( at least mentally ... many bullies are physically in the unhealthy environment at home, too ... those bullies need to feel supported and cared ... )
- Love Our Children : loveourchildrenusa.org/
- A Watch-dog Organization - Advocating for Bullied Children : bullypolice.org/
- Personal safety and violence prevention for children : kidpower.org/
- No Bully - New Zealand Police : police.govt.nz/
- UK Police Service - Bullying : met.police.uk/
- Anti-Bully - UK : antibully.org.uk/
- Cyber Bullying : No Muscles Needed : connectforkids.org/
- Be Safe Online : besafeonline.org/
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