this is a part of my old (first) site
I created a few years ago
I have moved from old space to here
not updated
s e x e d u c a t i o n
before discussing about abortions ...
it's been spent on great amount of debate on abortions. from the ethical and moral view, it simply can state abortion is wrong. but the living the way we do, it can not be that simple. so many people aggress on abortion to be banned. many people stress that abortion is wrong. but we do not hear as much, as about abortions, about the education we all must confront first. instead, we have been led to the belief that understanding about our sexual organs are shameful, embarrassing, or just to leave as a blank with little clue. and most of us still experience a lot of courage to ask others about "IT". something most of us do not share with others if there is a problem or even if that is a problem. fortunately, we now have this internet library that we can learn secretively or talk openly ... or amuse our sexual fantasy through, yet not much in progress with quality of education but quantity of sites. somehow, somewhere within us that very important to be acknowledged has been immatured and twisted, and that must have been the cause of abortions, rape, and other sexual crimes. I just wish to suggest giving our attention in depth to the sex education. what is really sex education for us ? something that we can be very serious about. something that we can pay great respect to. how much do we really know about ourselves ? how much do we really know about our sensual anatomy ? how much do we really study about the sexual organs that actually exist ? ... no parents really teaches us about them enough and the fact is that much of the subjects have been abused and teased in media, at home, on a street ......
do we give respect our sexual organ ? do we really know what they really are and what they really do to us ? why GOD has given us such organs ? if it was for reproductions ... the pleasure the sensations we can experience through our sexual organs ... just through our bodies, what was God's intention to create such tools for us to feel the orgasmic sensations ? or if it is not by God, why have we developed such functions in our biological development ? and why do we tend to avoid to dig this subjects in healthy way but tend to pursue the unhealthy ways and even the extreme that some even claim that it is the bad thing to feel the pleasure, especially women, and even believe to have the right to take away the female genitals from women ? if we really knew about the sexual organs ... we could have given them so much respect that there wouldn't have been so many crimes. the rate of the rape has been increasing although people are much more open to sex than ever before. the age of the victims are not just young women anymore, children, elders and boys and men. ... and many men and women see each other as sex tools now a day before their personalities, talents and intelligence, something that most of us call " chemistry " ... that is what we tend to seek in this modern society. and that has drawn us to addictions, the abuse, that fill us the chemistry, through not only sexual intercourse but drugs, alcohol, incest, stealing, etc ... many people, especially, younger generations, seek to have sex for chemistry instead of love before understanding much of their bodies ... most of us blindly fill in the chemistry ... just because no one really teaches us the great depth of the anatomy ... we just have to jump on to the experience in order to understand better.
read this article if you have time ...
click here >>> One Woman's Journey Through Sexual Oppression
when I first time read her article ( which was written sometime in late 90's ) I was just stunned by the passion that she only had a vibrator for many years to examine her sexual organ so long without a sexual partner. as I am writing this, I just have to confess that I did not know much about my sexual organ ( even now ). " if even just a vibrator can keep someone in the examinations for such a long time without even a physical partner ... what is really there ( in the sexual organ ) ?" ... only I had known was being rubbed and feels good. ( I mean, of course, I knew better than that but not much in depth. ) but there must be much more we must learn about our sexual organs and sensual anatomy.
so that, ... I would like to plant this seed of my vision in this subject with my prayer for no more sexual crimes ( any crimes ! ) on Earth. ( Earth is the sacred land, no more abuse or adulteration on the sacred land. we had enough. )
everyone knows there have been prostitutions all over the world even though most of countries ban. although it is illegal yet we all know that it still exists and many benefit from it. so ... why don't we legalize it as a school.
the school where we can learn about our anatomy and the depth of sex ( sexes ), where any of adults can attend ( not only for men ). those who would like to be in service in order to earn money will go through the classes which will be also provided to clients. in the beginning those in service would have to go through the classes in order to become experts for earning money. as they go through the levels of the classes, they slowly begin to earn instead of to pay for the classes. a long time ago in Japan, there were the women who were called "Oiran" they were the courtesans. many tend to believe a Geisha is a courtesan but they are not, they are the entertainers in art and conversations. Oirans were the courtesans, exclusive courtesans. to have met an Oiran was not easy, not only money could have taken care of the time with an Oiran but also the intelligence and wit that the client must have met the Oiran's standard in order to become her regular client. the system no longer exists in Japan although there are still the special bath houses where take care of the less matters. however, those bath houses do not receive as the same respect as where Oiran houses once did. in Japan, we did not have the high rate of the crime of rape before, I believe, it is because we have the places where the urge of men's sex drives were taken care of. but now younger generations do not give as much respect to those places as older generations did although we have much more places in disgraceful manner or just for fun. just to get laid doesn't sound interesting enough anymore for younger generations, they want something more. maybe, because of the frustration the rate of the sex crimes are also increasing. ... our older generations knew moral better but we do not have the time to speak with our children anymore or even avoid, we are too busy, so children have no places to learn things better. as the result, as children get older, they do not care much about anything in depth but seek only for sensations irresponsibly or immaturely. if we are too busy to teach and especially know little to teach, then we should create the place where we can provide the information and knowledge we all need by experts.
the school where for those who want to earn money and for those who want to learn about our sexuality and sensuality in depth and truth will come together. and also where for a couple can go together to learn about each other, to enhance their exploration in sexuality and sensuality. of course for homosexual and bisexual people, too ... in fact, I believe learning from the same sex sometimes give us the better knowledge about the anatomy. this school also is to learn about our anatomy and biological issues that the school is not only for sexual matters but also simply to learn about the body and the complications in sexes of aging process, menstrual cycles, pregnancy and after giving birth. and also to learn how to give massage, what signs to check for illness, such as breast cancer, learning about our own bodies will be a lot of work. and coming to this place, men and women both learn about oneself also besides the other side even without the love partner, therefore, when they meet the right one after the school, they will know how to respect and sex is not about the physical activity but the inner exploration together in depth, not about how to perform but learning each other in love. I strongly believe if we do know better about our truth, we will respect us and others deeper, and that will lead for less crimes and eventually no crimes. just because we will become very serious about ourselves and we will find more to learn about ourselves that will keep us too busy with our potentials to be explored rather than to waste by abuse and absurd. and that will be passed onto the younger generations that marriage and relationships will become much much more meaningful. ( and we will live happily ever after ....... )
we say women's sexuality has been oppressed by our society ... yet men are also discouraged in performances by women's oppression or also the agressiveness ( great expectation toward the partner ). we are out of tune. we need the place for each others to come along simply and sincerely to learn what we do not know ... maybe, once we had such a place then we might be just opening up ourselves to each other to learn in a profound level with respect even without going to such a school.
... and one more thing, ( thank you, Tomoko, for the reminder. ) many of us tend to just dismiss those prostitutes and homosexuals ... but the reality is many of them have been through very traumatic sexual events in their childhoods that have led them to the paths. the girl I had met a long time ago who was a lesbian, she told me that she was raped a couple of times when she was much younger. she said she had let go and no anger toward men, she had so many guy friends but she just can not see a man as her sexual partner. she has forgiven the past yet the wounds were still there. those people are so strong, they live with such traumatic tragedies and even forgiving, ... or I wonder how many of them are able to forgive such tragedies in their lives ... how many of them are able to forgive themselves from the past that trapped them in the wounds ... but our society just dismiss or even oppose to those people ... we judge the consequence but do not give questions or compassion to the cause. it is our reality, there are indeed so many who were/are molested and raped by strangers or even their own relatives ... we must not let the tragedies be repeated.
I hope we can be open to the change and new ( different ) perspectives in order to help out, heal and honor ourselves ... and for our younger generations' sake.
- Oiran on wiki : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oiran
it's been spent on great amount of debate on abortions. from the ethical and moral view, it simply can state abortion is wrong. but the living the way we do, it can not be that simple. so many people aggress on abortion to be banned. many people stress that abortion is wrong. but we do not hear as much, as about abortions, about the education we all must confront first. instead, we have been led to the belief that understanding about our sexual organs are shameful, embarrassing, or just to leave as a blank with little clue. and most of us still experience a lot of courage to ask others about "IT". something most of us do not share with others if there is a problem or even if that is a problem. fortunately, we now have this internet library that we can learn secretively or talk openly ... or amuse our sexual fantasy through, yet not much in progress with quality of education but quantity of sites. somehow, somewhere within us that very important to be acknowledged has been immatured and twisted, and that must have been the cause of abortions, rape, and other sexual crimes. I just wish to suggest giving our attention in depth to the sex education. what is really sex education for us ? something that we can be very serious about. something that we can pay great respect to. how much do we really know about ourselves ? how much do we really know about our sensual anatomy ? how much do we really study about the sexual organs that actually exist ? ... no parents really teaches us about them enough and the fact is that much of the subjects have been abused and teased in media, at home, on a street ......
do we give respect our sexual organ ? do we really know what they really are and what they really do to us ? why GOD has given us such organs ? if it was for reproductions ... the pleasure the sensations we can experience through our sexual organs ... just through our bodies, what was God's intention to create such tools for us to feel the orgasmic sensations ? or if it is not by God, why have we developed such functions in our biological development ? and why do we tend to avoid to dig this subjects in healthy way but tend to pursue the unhealthy ways and even the extreme that some even claim that it is the bad thing to feel the pleasure, especially women, and even believe to have the right to take away the female genitals from women ? if we really knew about the sexual organs ... we could have given them so much respect that there wouldn't have been so many crimes. the rate of the rape has been increasing although people are much more open to sex than ever before. the age of the victims are not just young women anymore, children, elders and boys and men. ... and many men and women see each other as sex tools now a day before their personalities, talents and intelligence, something that most of us call " chemistry " ... that is what we tend to seek in this modern society. and that has drawn us to addictions, the abuse, that fill us the chemistry, through not only sexual intercourse but drugs, alcohol, incest, stealing, etc ... many people, especially, younger generations, seek to have sex for chemistry instead of love before understanding much of their bodies ... most of us blindly fill in the chemistry ... just because no one really teaches us the great depth of the anatomy ... we just have to jump on to the experience in order to understand better.
read this article if you have time ...
click here >>> One Woman's Journey Through Sexual Oppression
when I first time read her article ( which was written sometime in late 90's ) I was just stunned by the passion that she only had a vibrator for many years to examine her sexual organ so long without a sexual partner. as I am writing this, I just have to confess that I did not know much about my sexual organ ( even now ). " if even just a vibrator can keep someone in the examinations for such a long time without even a physical partner ... what is really there ( in the sexual organ ) ?" ... only I had known was being rubbed and feels good. ( I mean, of course, I knew better than that but not much in depth. ) but there must be much more we must learn about our sexual organs and sensual anatomy.
so that, ... I would like to plant this seed of my vision in this subject with my prayer for no more sexual crimes ( any crimes ! ) on Earth. ( Earth is the sacred land, no more abuse or adulteration on the sacred land. we had enough. )
everyone knows there have been prostitutions all over the world even though most of countries ban. although it is illegal yet we all know that it still exists and many benefit from it. so ... why don't we legalize it as a school.
the school where we can learn about our anatomy and the depth of sex ( sexes ), where any of adults can attend ( not only for men ). those who would like to be in service in order to earn money will go through the classes which will be also provided to clients. in the beginning those in service would have to go through the classes in order to become experts for earning money. as they go through the levels of the classes, they slowly begin to earn instead of to pay for the classes. a long time ago in Japan, there were the women who were called "Oiran" they were the courtesans. many tend to believe a Geisha is a courtesan but they are not, they are the entertainers in art and conversations. Oirans were the courtesans, exclusive courtesans. to have met an Oiran was not easy, not only money could have taken care of the time with an Oiran but also the intelligence and wit that the client must have met the Oiran's standard in order to become her regular client. the system no longer exists in Japan although there are still the special bath houses where take care of the less matters. however, those bath houses do not receive as the same respect as where Oiran houses once did. in Japan, we did not have the high rate of the crime of rape before, I believe, it is because we have the places where the urge of men's sex drives were taken care of. but now younger generations do not give as much respect to those places as older generations did although we have much more places in disgraceful manner or just for fun. just to get laid doesn't sound interesting enough anymore for younger generations, they want something more. maybe, because of the frustration the rate of the sex crimes are also increasing. ... our older generations knew moral better but we do not have the time to speak with our children anymore or even avoid, we are too busy, so children have no places to learn things better. as the result, as children get older, they do not care much about anything in depth but seek only for sensations irresponsibly or immaturely. if we are too busy to teach and especially know little to teach, then we should create the place where we can provide the information and knowledge we all need by experts.
the school where for those who want to earn money and for those who want to learn about our sexuality and sensuality in depth and truth will come together. and also where for a couple can go together to learn about each other, to enhance their exploration in sexuality and sensuality. of course for homosexual and bisexual people, too ... in fact, I believe learning from the same sex sometimes give us the better knowledge about the anatomy. this school also is to learn about our anatomy and biological issues that the school is not only for sexual matters but also simply to learn about the body and the complications in sexes of aging process, menstrual cycles, pregnancy and after giving birth. and also to learn how to give massage, what signs to check for illness, such as breast cancer, learning about our own bodies will be a lot of work. and coming to this place, men and women both learn about oneself also besides the other side even without the love partner, therefore, when they meet the right one after the school, they will know how to respect and sex is not about the physical activity but the inner exploration together in depth, not about how to perform but learning each other in love. I strongly believe if we do know better about our truth, we will respect us and others deeper, and that will lead for less crimes and eventually no crimes. just because we will become very serious about ourselves and we will find more to learn about ourselves that will keep us too busy with our potentials to be explored rather than to waste by abuse and absurd. and that will be passed onto the younger generations that marriage and relationships will become much much more meaningful. ( and we will live happily ever after ....... )
we say women's sexuality has been oppressed by our society ... yet men are also discouraged in performances by women's oppression or also the agressiveness ( great expectation toward the partner ). we are out of tune. we need the place for each others to come along simply and sincerely to learn what we do not know ... maybe, once we had such a place then we might be just opening up ourselves to each other to learn in a profound level with respect even without going to such a school.
... and one more thing, ( thank you, Tomoko, for the reminder. ) many of us tend to just dismiss those prostitutes and homosexuals ... but the reality is many of them have been through very traumatic sexual events in their childhoods that have led them to the paths. the girl I had met a long time ago who was a lesbian, she told me that she was raped a couple of times when she was much younger. she said she had let go and no anger toward men, she had so many guy friends but she just can not see a man as her sexual partner. she has forgiven the past yet the wounds were still there. those people are so strong, they live with such traumatic tragedies and even forgiving, ... or I wonder how many of them are able to forgive such tragedies in their lives ... how many of them are able to forgive themselves from the past that trapped them in the wounds ... but our society just dismiss or even oppose to those people ... we judge the consequence but do not give questions or compassion to the cause. it is our reality, there are indeed so many who were/are molested and raped by strangers or even their own relatives ... we must not let the tragedies be repeated.
I hope we can be open to the change and new ( different ) perspectives in order to help out, heal and honor ourselves ... and for our younger generations' sake.
- Oiran on wiki : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oiran
< references >
- Study shows real men like romantic movies
- Breast Cancer in Women AND Men : menstuff.org
- How to Do a Testicular Self Examination: : tcrc.acor.org/
- The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer : phoenix5.org/
- Prostitution : en.wikipedia.org/
- Sexual Health Network : sexualhealth.com/
- When sex toys turn green : msnbc.msn.com/
- the fetal matrix, evolution, development and disease : amazon.com
- love, eros, and spiritual path : spiritofmaat.com/
- eros and mysteries of love : en.wikipedia.org/
- the archetype of gay-centeredness : whitecranejournal.com/
- kundalini
... biology of kundalini : biologyofkundalini.com/
... kundakini: the serpent power : faeriefaith.net/
- mythology of the erotic and soulful impulses : geocities.com/iona_m/
- eros and psyche : wikipedia.org
- Sexual Homeopathy and the Sacred Whore : mythsandmetawhores.com/
- goddess worship through the ages : isismoontemple.com/
- sacred sex goes public : lorainehutchins.com/
- Tantra Sacred Sexuality and Earth-Healing : jblstatue.com/
- yoniverse : yoniversum.nl/
- temple of the yoni : goddesscafe.com/
- the breasts : some morphological aspects by Dr. Soucasaux : mum.org/
- sexual paradox : dhushara.com/
- tantric practices : tantra.com/
- masturbation is a part of the sex education : bettydodson.com/
- sacred prostitutes : moondance.org/
- spirituality and sexuality : moondance.org/
- magnetic resonance ... : bmj.bmjjournals.com/
- men are supposed to ...
... Masculinity and 40 year old virgins : femilicious.com/
... why I stopped trying to be a real man : feminista.com/
... Men Who Love Burgers and Loathe Sex : alternet.org/
- a perilous journey from delivery room to bedroom : nytimes.com/
- new perspectives in gynecology : nelsonginecologia.med.br/
- label needed to be who you are ? : sharperiron.org/
- left brain and right brain : marriagebuilders.com/
- sexuality.about.com : sexuality.about.com/
- sexuality, open directory : dmoz.org/
- traumatic masturbatory syndrome : healthystrokes.com/
- menopause - metamorphosis : by susan weed : menopause-metamorphosis
- oiran courtesan : artgallery.sbc.edu/
- prostitution in japan : en.wikipedia.org/
- mermaid : endicott-studio.com/
- male-female aspects in the universe : unifiedworlds.com/
- sex ratio : en.wikipedia.org/
click here >>> One Woman's Journey Through Sexual Oppression
eco community . preventive medicine . water & earth . be earth universe
old h o m e . world wide love . network business . private parts . purpose of site