H e a l T h y
let venus in cancer
here, I just gathered some videos, in my hope, that would contribute to shift
those whose hearts, are troubled by one sided information, into peace & hope
(please check those related videos, too)
those whose hearts, are troubled by one sided information, into peace & hope
(please check those related videos, too)
Burzynski the Movie
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle
against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.
Vaccine Nation (trailer)
Deadly Immunity Investigative Report of Government Mercury / Autism Scandal - Part 1 of 3
Dr. Mercola YouTube Channel
Mike Adams @ Natural News YouTube Channel
Researchers discover papaya is effective against breast, pancreas and other cancers
@ naturalnews.com
Homeopathy Dr. Douglas Falkner lives in southern Oregon but he can assist you over the phone even if you live afar Homeopathy wouldn't work if you get a wrong remedy (nor does hurt) Dr. Falkner can see the right one(s) for you ... just my own experience with Dr. Falkner through my son's "severe" eczema, I was very impressed with his work eczema & other illness might sound too far from each other but Homeopathy reaches within mental, emotional & spiritual levels that heals the body |
my own experience of being sick in a past
I have realized sickness is the way our bodies communicate
as emotions tell us where we are at of contentment in life
sickness tells us how far we have come
with avoidance & negligence from our own desires
within our hearts & souls
just "please" keep in mind
that our society has been led to fear
our society has been programming us to take care of the SYSTEM
instead of our own true desires & our own true values
well-being is our "natural" state
but that doesn't "profit" to little area that operates this inhumane society
what have you been following ... do you know ?
Emotional Guidance Scale
(from the book, Ask and It Is Given)
1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
where are you at now ?
lifting your spirit up might feel overwhelming to some
it's like any type of addiction
cigarette, alcohol, sugar, drug, etc
but you know you want to be happy
as you are aware of where you are at
as you aware of where you want to be at
law of attraction is indeed law of attention
be aware where your attention is at & to ...
if you have hard times shifting your attentions
get a camera
and be outside
start taking pictures of what you enjoy taking
be aware of beauty surround you
breathe in the beauty as you shot
and breathe out the unwanted
one day
you realize
you have breathed out beauty
as there is no more unwanted left in your body
(even if you don't have a camera, you can still do within your mind & heart)
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free"
- Michaelangelo
let your beauty out
set your true beauty free
m y b l o g
h o m e
may true health, wealth & intelligence be back to Earth
and we will all live happily, yippily & longer ever after
m e r m a i d s u t r a . n e t