I was asked to make name tags for the helpers at the AB (Arts Bus) Open House event in town. they are reusable.
just a few days before I was asked for this, a friend of mine asked me if I would use the vinyl bags that came with curtains she had bought, for any art project. I didn't think of anything at that time but here goes, just in perfect timing they showed up to be used !
each name tag slip has a little butterfly which is made of elephant poop paper.
just a few days before I was asked for this, a friend of mine asked me if I would use the vinyl bags that came with curtains she had bought, for any art project. I didn't think of anything at that time but here goes, just in perfect timing they showed up to be used !
each name tag slip has a little butterfly which is made of elephant poop paper.
tags :
. name tags . vinyl bag . curtains . cardboard .
. reusable . recycled . upcycled . art . crafts . handmade .