we hear about Free Will that we live in a Free Will zone in a universe (or All That Is) ... and I think of how that happened, if so, there also is no Free Will zones ... then I reached to the perspective of Archangels Michael & Lucifer contrast, the Yin Yang ...
I hear Lucifer wished more for everyone which seems to be interpreted as He was a Rebel who wished for Greater than The God, and which is (mis)judged as a bad thing from our "religious" interpretation. ... but then, when I really think of The God (which is the development, extension, of the Ultimate Source, the Core) who birthed Michael & Lucifer (& others) that we are to judge the Creation of The God ? ... and to me, the more thought of this Yin Yang, Michael & Lucifer, the better things here in this plane making sense, especially, seeing into Lucifer's intention.