a story for angels ...
I have had this message "God doesn't help you" since when I was a little, because of that I never had asked God for help. maybe because of the message God was somehow IT rather then He/She to me that God was not "a person figure" but the whole conscious existence. but at some point of my life, as I had been through the rough times over & over and doubting my own beliefs & judgments, I began to practice others' views, and I began to question the message. and when I came to the point I couldn't bear the roughness of my life alone any more, I first time asked God for help, and my request was granted immediately. I wasn't polite, I wasn't respective, I wasn't praying, I was in a total demand. since that experience I began to ask more to God and my meaning of God had blended in with the aspect of who ... rather than IT ...