many of us must have grown up questioning about the human society or rather say the inhumane society ... why our society is the way it is and why wrongs simply continue, in fact, more & more injustice have been filling our society.
... it's been a bit longer than a decade since I actually started reading about the ill plan on Earth, and started to understand the human history behind the mainstream history books. ... it was easy for me to accept as a history, and made so much sense about the whole inhumane practice on Earth ... and especially to explain why I had the message "change the world" in me (the message, many of us now have begun to recognize within our souls) ... however, it had taken longer for me to acknowledge the plan's been still operated in progress ... it felt so ill, my body was rejecting to give the acknowledgment to the ill plan the particular group(s) of people known as Illuminati or/and as the New World Order operates ... I was afraid to admit such ill intentions behind the plan exist, ... yet even naively or narrowly seeing the world we live, the more I live, the greater I am to be convinced of the ill intentions ... and 9/11 was a quite obvious event that the public explanations just didn't make sense ...
once we question, then, the more dots we find the greater we can see all the dots are connected within the ill plan. ... from the birth we are led to dying instead of living, ... the practice of natural home childbirth is almost perished ... connecting with a baby during pregnancy is almost non-exist but mother-to-bes are to follow doctors and "medical procedure" ... and vaccines & so called medicines are mostly at enforcement through our lives, and children are thrown to the prison of our school system where also suppresses or maneuvers our intelligence, the creativity, to fit the way of our "stressful" society. if not, children are called drop-outs. not only at school, but also via religions, our thoughts are mended to fit into the templates of the religious teachings, your thoughts must operate & obey within the religion, can't exceed or beyond the templates. and our foods are filled with chemical additions & addictions and altered while grown in polluted soil & water. ... fluoride in water calcifies our pineal grand, the third eye, that our intuitiveness has been becoming dull. and our media feeds us the fear & the anger. ... why religious people believe in God so much yet do not believe in the body that God given to us but man-made medicines? ... see ? where were we born at ? ... did your mother listen to you while you were in her or a doctor ? ... God within is already separated (ignored) there. ... more & more herbs have been banned all over the world ... the plants that are given us by God while religions preach us to trust in God? ... when will we realize the man-made medicines do not cure but just a patch so we wouldn't see the problem then soon we are to add more medicines, the drugs. those are not only bad for our bodies but also go to our environment, the soil & water especially, via our urine and discarding as trash, which supports the pollutions. ... can you see the dots in the ill connection ? which is designed so. and through the purchase of drugs (medical & illegal) & vaccines, we are greatly supporting the pyramid for the top of the wealthiest ... yep, designed that way. these Illuminati are in control to suck the power out of us from any angles, and aimed to depopulate so it would be easier for them to control the world. ... depopulate not only via vaccines & flues, ... but other tools such as the chemtrail that also sprays so many toxins and which not only make us sick but also cool down the weather so vegetables & fruits won't grow well. ... I hear America is in huge debts that impossible to pay off, and other countries who have been supporting America (the wars) are about to bankrupt ... again, designed that way. how about homeland security & TSA at airports? ... we know 9/11 is the inside job, and with the law enforcement of homeland security act, TSA was introduced. TSA not only release the great amount of radiation (which also seems to be for their depopulation plan) but the system would be very useful for them to control & monitor us at any travel points in near future for Illuminati. ... so many angles are at work to secure their plan while our intelligence & intuition have been so retarded. ... why our computers have improved so much yet our cars still hold almost the same principle as a car first showed up in our lives? ...we hardly question about those ... because our consciousness is so asleep ...
... looking at the tragedy of Japan on 3/11 this year, ... Japanese Yen is (was at this point?) according to wikipedia, the third most-traded currency in the foreign exchange market despite the fact that Japan is a very small country ... Yen was (if not is) very strong, but it doesn't seem it was only the intention for the economical collapse that Japan was aimed, not only Japan's economy but any businesses related to Japan in a world ... how was the stock market around that day ? I wonder. ... and the tsunami hitting the Fukushima nuclear plants looks like the major importance for their depopulation plan, ... to make the people of affected area sick (if not dead), not only in Japan but west coast of the United States, and else where as possible ... HAARP & chemtrails seem go well together ...
however, I wonder, ... if Illuminati really wants to control the world (which I believe they "do") then they could simply act on even more a drastic way. ... I hear there have been so many other civilizations from other worlds (who we humans simply call aliens) have been helping to prevent the worst (whole Japan seemed to have been aimed to be destroyed in their 3/11 plan) and meanwhile Illuminati knowing about the facts of other civilizations help on Earth, thus, they have been spreading us to fear of "aliens" via media & movies so we the majority would never be ready to "welcome" our friends & families from outer space, ... but then, Illuminati could use the trick as if their home-made & born aliens to invade Earth so that it would be much easier & sooner for them to start a new world than using so many tools & gadgets to make us fearful & sick slowly to kill us. ... yes, I can see prolonging this way they can suck up more money from us, but they must have way more enough money. (but they do know money can control the power) ... I hear the core of the Illuminati are shape shifter aliens who came to Earth a long long time ago ... they could just show up and could scare us & start to control us by the power & the fear ...
what I have so far learned about the history is that they are very advanced in many ways but not spiritual & emotional aspects, and through their (r)evolution it seems they have lost their light essence within and thus dark minded. ... they are very evolved so they can shift how they shape outside but basically dragon like look. ... sounds like cheap Sci-Fi but at this point, we should simply be open to any possibilities, ... and they planted their genes to Earth humans (please, realize what we do to vegetables, GM foods) so that many, if not most, of us are genetically related to them, ... and through the experiment we Earth humans have lost much of the light (DNA) so have our crystalline bodies, and have fallen to the carbon based body which is susceptible to illnesses. ... and through so many (false) teachings (include religions) we have lost the connection to our true core which most of us refer as God. ... yes, these are what I have read but the most is I feel them as truth, ... we all must feel within as if reading the ancient secret through our hearts ... however & sadly, our consciousness have been turned down by the inhumane practice we blindly support & follow ...
this is a free will universe, ... we are given the free will in order to evolve & expand, ... God or All That Is or what ever you prefer to call wants this experiment, ... we agreed and expanded from God (or what ever you prefer to call) and many of us must have heard about Lucifer who had fallen. ... our world (universe or what ever you call it) exists & expands within Yin Yang. Lucifer challenged the "opposite" in order to expand & enhance the knowledge and we all followed the experiment (by choice & soul contracts) ... but the deeper we fell the further we have gone from the light ... however, I do want to believe we have enriched our experiment, and we have deepened our knowledge in so many textures, we refined & defined this time & space consciousness and our senses into five senses. it is such a sensual density here, producing something in such a prolonging manner is so precious & graceful ... however, the time has come for us to shift and head to a new experiment in a new world. ... we have dig enough ... must be way more than enough of digging the darkness & the numbness ... that ... time for us to return to light. ... yes, we can blame Illuminati for all the ill operations and feel victims ... but can we simply say "it was a great fun journey, thank you!" and let go ? ... yes, so many lives have been lost because of their ill operations but we also must know we go to a much much better place when we leave this physical plane, ... that ... haven't we become "spiritually grown-ups" who must have grown so much compassion in our souls through our lives that we can apply forgiveness in any sense ? ... compassion, however, is not sympathy, compassion is to understand and when we understand there is the light within the understanding, ... the light, the enlightenment, is compassion ... yet, though ... at the same time, we must acknowledge & encourage our inner strength to define the wrongs & the mistakes within tough love to clarify wrong is wrong. ... as I came this far, I feel that forgiveness & compassion are not enough for the expansion but LOVE, ... and LOVE is not just nice-ness, ... Love must require "common sense" that we must be firm on the mistakes yet still can smile at the mistakes ...
think about ... if ... only if ... Illuminati was there to awaken us whom are so stubbornly ignorant & asleep in the indulgence of mentality in a material physical plane ? ... if they were the ones to wake us up in tough love but they just carried away ? ... or if they were tired of their roles and just wrapping up their task in rush and just to move to their next plane by leaving us as just a bunch of clueless & whiners ? ... in fact, what I hear is their souls fell too far with their roles, ... devil's advocate ? ... then it must be our fault that we didn't wake up soon enough that have created the monsters ? ... or should we still stay victimized instead of taking a responsibility on how blind we actually have been ?
... we live in the world that grow & expand within Yin Yang, ... and within God (or what ever you prefer to name) ... who to blame for being right or wrong ?, ... all exist so we expand & enrich ... but we just forgot to be aware of our consciousness. ... being blind is not LOVE ... we all talk about LOVE but we must shine LIGHT if we are to be LOVE ... we must ILLUMINATE ... to return to the light that so many colors & music blending in & dancing & kissing ... in rejoice & grace ...
let us shift our souls from under the ill-me-nazi (illuminati) to illuminat(e) "i" ... let Lucifer within us return to his LIGHT for the sake of the true meaning of his name ... Bearer of Light ... Thank You, Lucifer ... we have come to such depth and now we are all heading back to the LIGHT and to ENLIGHTEN with you ...
who has fallen too far within his devotion & dedication to his great Divine task ...
and also dedicated to my love, SRL
- reference links -
no personal connections
channel with Matthew Ward (via his mother)
message from reptilian commander Horiss via Matthew & his mother
channel with SaLuSa from Sirius (via Mike Quinsey)
channeled info via Laura Tyco
Steve Beckow site
U.S. Navy destroying dolphins & whales, attacking Earth’s life frequency
may true health, wealth & intelligence be back to Earth ...
all rights reserved & deserved