a story for angels ...
I have had this message "God doesn't help you" since when I was a little, because of that I never had asked God for help. maybe because of the message God was somehow IT rather then He/She to me that God was not "a person figure" but the whole conscious existence. but at some point of my life, as I had been through the rough times over & over and doubting my own beliefs & judgments, I began to practice others' views, and I began to question the message. and when I came to the point I couldn't bear the roughness of my life alone any more, I first time asked God for help, and my request was granted immediately. I wasn't polite, I wasn't respective, I wasn't praying, I was in a total demand. since that experience I began to ask more to God and my meaning of God had blended in with the aspect of who ... rather than IT ...
through the journey, I met Dianna who was able to see angels & aura around us, and told me I had three angles and my aura was expansive although I was at the deepest depth of my life. and later I met Tony, who was able to see past lives but later also became able to talk with guardian angels around us, and he confirmed that I had three angels around me also.
one day, me & Tony and a couple of our friends got together and having a dinner. our conversation went about angels. in the conversation, I was telling them I had a little strange experience when I was a teenager ... that I was telling my friends at a high school, "I think I just got a new guardian angel or one of them exchanged or something, that I feel a new spirit around me", of course my friends at high school just laughed & dismissed my acknowledgment of the new comer. however, according to Tony's story, those three of my angels had been around with this soul I chose for a quite many lifetimes and that none of them is a new comer. I was still questioning inside as it just didn't make sense.
it was when I was still pregnant. I was already to be a single mother, Tony had come to my new place to help clean my home & all to prepare to celebrate the birth of my child. one day, he said he was seeing some foggy stuff floating around in my place. I thought it was a ghost but he said it had much more joyous energy ... and soon, he found out they were two of them and were guardian angels of the child in my tummy, and came to stop me from what ever I was doing & to rest. and later, Tony told me my son has five angels with him. ... that was when Tony was assured that he had such an ability to connect with angels.
two of the five were with the soul of my son's for quite a while and sounded like those two have been around since the life in a different planet or time & space with my son's soul, and other three were quite new and manifested themselves to my son's angles in this lifetime. one was my son's grand father from his father side who had passed away long before my son was born and one of the two whom had showed up to Tony, and the next one was my grand mother who Tony knew nothing about but when I questioned something my grand mother knew Tony brought the right answer. and the last one, the other one of the two who showed up to Tony ... Tony only received the message from the last one that I must know who it was. ... I asked what the name of this last one was, and his name was Gion. no, I didn't recognize the name either ...
after a while I started having a weird feeling recalling from my old & vague memory and reaching this particular person at the middle high school I had gone, and that was Gion. ... I didn't know much about Gion when I had gone to the same school as Gion. Gion is not the name he used when he was physically alive. I didn't even think we ever spoke to each other. but I remembered he was always looking at me. and also remember that we have some kind of physical education competition day at school once in a year in Japan. it lasts a whole school day, running, performing & competing individually & as a team. ... I believe all schools require that in Japan and all the students must attend except those who are sick. I remembered he was always just watching on the competition days at school. and several years later when I was early 20s, I ran into my old classmate in town, and he told me that Gion had passed away right after we finished middle high school. the classmate had to tell me that because he knew Gion was so fond of me. ... I didn't think of it much at that time but just feeling sorry for Gion that he had a heart failure that he never ran or did any physical activity while he was still alive young but being weak & sick. ... just too short, his life had ended at 15 years old. ... I remembered his mother owned a store filled with Sanrio products (such as Hello Kitty) ... her store was always busy & packed with so many young girls, just wondered how she was handling the grieves & the loss while being surrounded by the children who are around the age of her son who passed away too young ...
when I found out one of my son's angels were Gion, more mystery began to emerge for clarity. ... one time, I had an exam for reading at the high school I went, but I didn't prepare myself that I already had given up before I even tried the exam, but things just started coming to me that I was able to pass the exam. I was so amazed that I had such a great memory from nowhere. and the title of the exam was Gion ... that I realized why he chose the name Gion in his angelic life now ... and when I felt the new comer was around me while in a high school, that was the time that Gion had passed away and visited my world. ... I don't know how long he had hung out around me after he ended his physical life, ... I asked him through Tony why me, he replied that I was very kind. I hope he is not disappointed knowing me now :) ... I cried when I realized it was him that had helped me out for the exam and who knows what else, and also had held me in such admiration. ... and I am so happy and honored that he now is the guardian angel of my son and has reached me who he was very fond of ...
on a little note, ... it sounded like those three angels, my son's grandpa, my grandma & Gion, all of them had been waiting for me to have a child for a long time (I was almost 40 when I had my son) I was joking & laughing with them that they all must have been waiting too long for me to have a child ... however, it doesn't seem there is time & space in their world. ... and an additional note of my conception of my son. it was when my son's father asked me to visit him and I planned to travel with Tony who wanted to visit his boy friend who lived close to where the father of my son lived. I requested a vacation to my work according to the dates the father of my son asked me to. but then he asked me to change the dates, and soon Tony also asked me to change but the exact same dates the father of my son asked without knowing he also had asked. I couldn't ask my work to reschedule my vacation plan as I already knew it would be very rough to ask again. but then my boss asked me to change my vacation to the exact same days as Tony & the father of my son asked me to. ... that is when my son seeded himself in order to manifest on Earth ... when I later realized it was such a great set up by the universe.
after my son was born, Tony recommended me to buy a little house next door as the previous owner just passed away. I went inside the house, it was sweet & I liked it but the energy was so heavy and it got stronger as I walked toward the bedroom she had slept in. "I couldn't live in this energy." I told Tony. and he said my son's angels were saying they would work on to clean the energy. ... it took a while as it seemed the ex owner who was very old when she passed away still liked to linger in her bedroom. I can easily see angels are not here to force anyone so they had to work on liberating the ex owner in spirit in their very gentle manner, and that took about a couple of months or even longer to clean the energy after she had even liberated. (I don't remember exactly but it felt quite a long time) when they said the house was ready, and as I entered the house, I left like I could just be hopping around, the energy was just so joyous & light like feathers. I remembered how heavy it was before, that it felt like I was climbing up the mountain as I first time entered the house and walking toward the main bedroom before the angels' work.
while I had become kind of needy as I had begun to ask help to God, I also began to wonder what the message "God doesn't help means then?". ... was I deceived by an evil voice? (laugh) ... then this Law of Attraction just popped up in our world ... and "that" made sense. ... that was the meaning of God doesn't help. ... but then, ... who helped & guided me when I asked & screamed for help ??? ... I was not even in such great mood to attract nice gifts when I asked for help, I was much more in desperation & grouchy ... !
the Law of Attraction is nothing new, it's been there since the beginning, Earth became Earth just because of her own intentions. we are all gathered just because of her desire, she was so open. and our desires matched in free will and we are here.(tada~) ... and through ever unfolding time & space called now and present, we developed this physical world with five senses from one sense - the Oneness ... yet to be separated to become & to experience/experiment an unique individual being within the diversity. the great and fun challenge to become a being to add more to the diversity. and which expands the universe, and that is our true intention here ! ... and within this free will universe, all are here within Yin Yang for us to be "me" ... that God doesn't help us ... and within the Yin Yang, we are also given Ego to push through the desire to be "me" ... how could God interrupt to mold the creations ? ... if God/IT/HE/SHE/WE wanted to create the world of free will, why would God want to help ?
however, within this Law of Attraction universe, and through the law, we have (co)created & developed so much, and so many experiences & experiments through the long human history (if we only focus on human history in this writing), we have been through so much density of emotional & mental layers which also have been effecting the physical embodiment that has attached to the soul and become hard to shift. and we have been experimenting the time some call it as a conspiracy, and some other call it as the time of asleep ... but now the old time is ending and coming into the new era of Light ...
recently, my son has begun to develop some sense to connect with the different world he refers as a dolphins world where he says so many dolphins swim in the air and build things. I have been asking him what they do & this questions & that questions. he says everyone has the dolphin world ... however, though, the dolphins do not know how they get there when I asked them how, when & why they are there, ... that it might be a new thing.
I asked my son if they can connect with our guardian angles but the answer was no. but he told me my guardian angels are exhausted and that is why I am exhausted. I simply imagine that their frequencies are different that they can't communicate according to the law of Attraction ... yes, I must agree that I have been through a lot, I devote my spirit to each karma. ... but as I read those channeled information online, our destiny/plan is head to the big shift of our consciousness, time of awakening/awakened/Light, in a general term, ascension, and in order to reach the due date we must accelerate, especially, to clean the karma as we can't take our karma to the world we are all heading (again, the frequencies don't match!) ... that I can easily imagine my angels are exhausted by protecting me from the worst scenarios from the karma my soul must have been dealing & clearing. ... then I can see this dolphin world just appeared to balance the subconscious layers. ... no matter how disastrous our world seems it is all within a divine realm where spontaneously provides the needs according to our wishes & prayers ... that ... as far as I understand, those dolphins in our spirit world are not here for any wise suggestion or guidance. according to the story of my son who just turned to be 10 years old that they build towns & cities & amusement park, etc. ... I can see his dolphins are learning things from my son's life and mimicking into their world but much more a joyous way. they are not here to teach us but having great time with themselves and which somehow reminds us of joy at a subconscious level if not a conscious level. ... the world we are all heading in our reality dwells in higher frequency. this is third density which is considered as lower frequency where those negative actions & thoughts are allowed. and in the higher densities, those negative actions & thoughts are not only allowed but simply can't exist. ... in order for us to reach the world we are heading, our frequency must be raised while we deal with our heavy duty karma!
dealing with my karma and in my agony with exhaustion, I came up with the better realization that I must call my alien friends, God doesn't help doesn't mean aliens can't help. ... "ask, it is given"! ... as I heard my angels are also exhausted, and aliens must be able to do more practical things than angels, I thought it was a great idea to call my alien friends for help. ... I went outside and released my thought to the sky to call my friends & family in a galaxy ... but my son corrected that I must go out in the open space and "say loud" for help looking up to the sky. I didn't follow his suggestion but asked him if he feels or his dolphins know if anything going on around us. a couple of days later, my son told me he heard the strange noise that he knew the UFO landed and he senses that a couple of alien friends are here around our place & spreading the joy. ... I asked my son "why they don't show up?" ... he didn't know the answer.
I had read those channeled info with space families & ascended masters a long time ago and came to the conclusion "what they say are not happening!" ... and recently I began to read those again, and now have come to the realization, Yes, those info "they above" tell are TRUTH but it is in fact up to us who chose this Earthly challenged souls, that it is up to our collective vibrational frequency. while what they above tell us is their sincere true intentions & plans, also telling their true intentions in their hope to give us the hope thus our collective vibration must rise. they above can't apply their plans while we hold the low vibration as many of us must have learned from Law of Attraction how things work, yep, different frequencies do just not match! ... while they can't interrupt our karma in free will, they also can't show up in the lower vibration as we wish to which would not safe for both sides. if we still hold the fear toward "aliens", we would get panicked & attack them when they show up. it must be the why those UFOs & aliens who long before landed & got caught by Earth people that they must have lowered their frequencies too low. ... and it would bring chaos despite of the fact that their intentions are totally pure to bring peace & joy on Earth. ... yes ... how many of us are so tired & exhausted ... how could they vibrate with us really? ... that the friends I called from above, they can't appear unless my vibration rises, thus, as my son explained they are spreading joy to help my vibration in order for me to have their help!
according to those channeled info, the global prosperity & a universal debt forgiveness program are soon to be applied to the humanity on Earth. which means each of us will receive the life time abundance, and all debts cancellation for those in need, will be happening. ... why is taking care of money issues so important? ... when everyone is released from the strings of control by money, many issues on Earth will be into resolving. ... of course that will be the grand hooray for the humanity but we will all have to confront the true values of who we are in the depth and what each soul holds for one's life purpose. there will be nothing to be complaining about and which gives us no excuse for being lazy or negligence of oneself, and that will align us with one's own responsibility of who & how we are. ... what would you abandon when the great financial abundance & the great relief come to your life? ... who still would work? ... who would still like to deliver food to a store? ... our minds need to be prepared to comprehend that, and our hearts also need to be prepared to be kind & kinder ever more ... and can you imagine when UFOs and those friends above who we have been calling as "aliens" show up, even the disclosure itself will change our values ... absolute change in value will occur ... should we be panicked with the change? or allow us to follow the light?
we are heading to the new era according to the divine plan ... but mostly now for our planet her own desire. ... it was her who wanted to be open for any possibility for "her devotion" to "the divine expansion" but things got too painful and even God had to apply the exception to the free will universe with the law of no more nuclear weapons, we have fell too far. and that Earth called for help to the universe and thus so many civilizations all over the universe have been helping not only raising the frequency of the planet (humanity) but also actual help to dismantle & prevent the negative ill operations of those (Illuminati) whose plan to control entire humanity on Earth. ... Earth not only wants to help her & those innocents in/on her but also those ill minded, she simply wants all of us to be in joy. ... I remember I used to have been watching UFOs from my window when I was a teenager. I never have seen the big actual UFOs but those were just the dots of lights which came & went in random number & movement ... now I see that as they were there to remind me of their existence who I must not feel doubt that they are here to help us ...
whether you believe or not those UFOs, aliens & universal laws, etc ... we must simply hold the hopefulness within us ... do you like the way our society has been leading us? ... do you like how our society has been treating us and Our Planet? ... whether you believe or not we have come to the edge of the collapse of our inhumane practice for the new era ... whether you believe or not all the angels, dolphins & whales, animal & nature kingdoms and other civilizations in our universe have been working simply for the greater good for "our wishes" ... you can dismiss the existences of those great devotees of the divine plan on Earth but please hold the bright future you desire to see & live in in your hearts ... as we must raise our frequency with our hope & desire in order to reach the brighter era to come ...
and ... whether you believe or not, we are not alone, there have been so many beings from so many angles working for our souls to truly liberate on/in a heavenly Earth ... we must give them our great gratitude and join them thus we can save our own souls ... and to enter the new realm of joy with them together!
... I am sure this world in this density must have been the great challenging realm for any comers ... we who have come this far must have nothing more to fear as we must have become very strong now. ... just lower density ? ... no way, it's been such an enriching realm where must have contributed so much to the divine expansion ! ...
... dedicated to Gion
and my love SRL ...
- reference -
no personal connection
Galactic Channeling : by Sheldan Nidle - July 19, 2011
channeling with God via Matthew/his mother
may true health, wealth & intelligence be back to Earth
m e r m a i d s u t r a . n e t