our appliances rely on the electricity. our place had no power for three days due to neighbors trees fell on power lines, ... dark & cold, no computer, no phones, no heater & no shower ... at some point even no water ... we suddenly exposed to the nature, as if naked & unprotected who don't know the nature although the nature has been there all the time.
I grew up in a beach town in Japan that I didn't experience much snow. when I lived in NYC, yes, they have tons of snow through winter yet in the big city ... just once in a while I experienced the power was out but not that long. this is my fourth winter since I moved in Mount Shasta, California, and it is my first experience of having no power at home for the whole three days ... though I stayed at my friends' office & home for two nights who had power back on ... it's been quite a journey ... as if chasing the electricity ...
I heard people were saying they were kind of expecting this tree falling on the power lines that would cause no power sometimes as we heard the snow storm would be hitting us. yes, the events were occurred as expected ... but I began to wonder ... how many years or even decades people have been experiencing this winter events by heavy snow ... and how many winters people have been fixing the same problem with the same old idea ... cutting the branches & trees to prevent them to fall on the power lines ... to save the power lines so to cut trees. ...... every winter we expect this to happen anytime, and taking care of the same routine, dealing with the same issue every time this event happens. why can't we come up with better solutions ? ... thus, we could simply enjoy this magnificent view of winter ... the nature paint & sculpt the landscape stunningly with this one material (element) the snow ! ... and that ... their creativity & beauty evoke & upgrade our aesthetics within with aw ...
it is simply our nature that to grow & expand, and that is also the nature of the Earth, ... and that is the nature of the universe ... yet humans are blindly passing the old routines to younger generations to deal with & take care of by the same solutions that cause the same problems. Earth is simply evolving, that is her nature & that is the universe's nature, and that supposed to be our human nature ... yet human evolution has been depending on money supply and we just keep saying "because it costs a lot to fix the problem." ... but Earth & Universe would say that to fix the problem is not money but resources, the resources within Earth & the resources within our intelligence, the creativity ... and that fix & refine our world.
Earth is the wealthy being, and so are we ! the wealth is already within us. we tend to see the natural harshness as a disaster ... but maybe, Earth (& Universe) is simply calling & evoking our true wealth to meet the Earth's true wealth ... "come on, catching up on us, playing hard with us to enjoy our true nature of growing, expanding & evolving with us !" yet we have been led to pay our precious attentions to the outside of us, outside of our nature ... by the media that almost only bring us the bad news & gossips ... that our precious attentions are led to attune with what media brings to us, ... we are out of us.
... where we are now as to see our life/history span through a linear view ... is not only by the Earth's evolution, but also we the universe's creation ! ... we are all creating this beauty on Earth altogether by our refining thoughts of now that bring us the time & space called future. we all have the infinite abundance within us, and the nature within us that simply eager to expand & evolve ... the nature have been communicating us & reminding us to dig within & to have fun altogether ... align within and that aligns with all & one. ... we then might question what about the Earthquake like just hit Haiti ... just because of Earth & our evolution, would it be ok to lose many people's lives & homes ? ... but it is not that the nature, evolution, is harsh, it is simply us that need to align within.
it was a long time ago, when I still lived with my family in Japan. our place was kind of like an animal rescuer. it was not our business but somehow we encountered those animals that injured sometimes. one time, a wild pheasant showed up injuring his wing. we kept him until his wing got better. Japan as we all know experience earthquakes so often. we noticed that an earthquake occurred after the pheasant made the squeaking sounds. in the beginning, the period between an earthquake & his squeaks was like a few days or could have been longer a part but the longer he was captured in our place (we didn't mean that, though) the shorter the period had become. by the time when he was almost ready to fly back to nature, an earthquake occurred right after he squeaked. (yes, we have mild earthquakes that often sometimes) we were saying that he was losing his instinct as he was not living with his own nature. ... if we humans are really connected & aligned with our intuition & our own nature, the source, we must be able to sense if an earthquake should be occurring sometime soon. we might have to let go of our material possessions but we must be able to save ourselves ...
the nature ... of Earth & Universe ... and within us ... are expecting us to catch up, align & communicate with the simple nature ... of growth, expansion & evolution, that bring back our true health & wealth ... and the intelligence ...... within our cells & souls, and Earth, and that returns to the universe ... and which is within the spiritual ecosystem ... and be kind & considerate, which simply refine & expand our creative minds ...
“We can’t solve problems
by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein
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nothing to do with Raw Food promotion on the interview
but simply the wonderful information for our health provided
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