I have come to the understanding to see the soul in each individual ... while I do see every soul holds the role for the wholeness to expand as we as the whole desire & as whose nature but I do also see there are the souls who fell too far and so content in their own self serving ill being-ness that those souls need a big cleansing & healing, and that they must snap out of their delusional illusions ... that there has been a war going on between the good & the bad behind the scene, so to say ... and while the bad ones are so few compare to the majority, but since just because the majority don't see the ill operations those few just have been gaining such power over the system in humanity ... however, especially many in the U.S., and in fact, not only the people in the U.S. but through out the world, held so much expectation when you, Mr. President, were elected & become the 44th president of the U.S., ... and our expectation showed the fact that we did see our system must change and something wasn't right in our system. ... and we blame you that you had nearly 4 years yet we didn't see much the change for better but worse ... and I must say we also had the same nearly 4 years but did we do our best in order to change besides complaining & condemning you the president & the society ?
continued here >>> http://www.hearthlings.us/