it was a several weeks ago that my son was having a cold ... I had wondered if I would catch it, it usually happens when he is getting over his cold, ... and I was very ill a few years ago which has taken a long time to heal ... that was also another concern if I have become well enough ... nonetheless ... I was alright that I did not catch a cold from my son.
however, ... I caught a cold this week. ... oh well. as I was having the symptom of a cold, I was simply & automatically thinking about what to take. I am one of those who prefer natural remedies and strongly am against pharmaceutic practice ... so I was thinking, maybe echinacea & ginger, and this remedy & that remedy, etc to fight a cold ...
since I have decided to follow my own soul desire, things have started coming in rather interesting packages. each moment & event, I have been giving my precious attention to really comprehend what really is within the outlooks & out comes. but as I caught a cold, I was simply thinking to take remedies ... to resist what I was receiving. " wait a minute, ... is this cold also a gift from the universe for my plan of my soul desire ?" ... so I didn't try any remedy for my cold, then interestingly two of my friends showed up without knowing I was having a cold & brought Satsuma tangerines & Fuyu persimmon ... those are common cold fighters in Japan ... winter fruits who help our immunity through winter ... nature's wisdom.
I began to realize myself ... as I caught a cold, I was immediately & naturally thinking about remedy in order to get well. and despite the beneath of my wise intention to heal myself, I realized that I was seeing a cold as a bad thing, a negative thing to have happened to my body ... but is it a really bad thing for my body ?
it is our natural states to be healthy, to be stronger, and to be smarter ... our nature of evolution, expansion & growth, so that a cold is the good thing that we catch, therefore, our bodies get stronger & smarter ... this cold really have made me think ... re-think ... how our lives have been led to worries & fear ... then anger & frustration to resist our natural flow ... when we see a cold, we simply resist because we are programmed that a cold is something we must get rid of or suppress ...
since we were born, we have been led to that way to rip ourselves apart from our own true intelligence & intuition ... by being given shots, man-made medicines & man-made vitamins, and little symptoms of this illness & that illness, we have to resist & suppress ... interestingly, we have become so numb mentally, physically & spiritually ... yet emotionally we somehow so bombarded that we don't comprehend what's really going on with us. ... behind our smile, much much more going on. behind our cry & anger, so much more going on ... we can't comprehend who we truly are yet our bodies have been reacting & trying to express for us to connect within and most of us ending up with illness, diseases or/and depression, panic attacks or bipolar ... to the path to premature death.
as I was just soaking myself in having a cold & feeling spacey, to really let my body learn & grow through the cold, it began to snow outside ... and these words came ... Let It Snow ... yes, we let it snow, we let it rain, we don't resist them even if we didn't like them in that moment for our particular expectation for some events. nature let it take care of itself that brings the natural flow for their evolution, expansion & growth for Earth's health. ... why can't we humans do that to ourselves ? ... why do we resist the flow that comes to our ways ? ... can we trust in our natural flow ? ... can we listen within instead of the inhuman world around us ?
when we really begin to understand the natural flow that occurs to our lives, and just to accept & allow to come to us in trust ... probably we will begin to comprehend greater about our true nature, well-being, ... nature of our body & on Earth ... that we will be reconnecting & living with this beautiful sensual planet Earth in harmony & ecstasy ...
let us be ... to let us flow, grow & glow ...
as to let it snow ...
Steve Jobs Stanford University speech 2005 ( link )
John & Yoko - War is Over if We Want It with interview
What Christmas Should Be ( American Sign Language )