I am sorry to share with those of you who do not believe in those aspects, ... or I rather use the word "forget" than "disbelieve" ... that, our world is indeed changing and we will begin to see the obvious evidence very soon .... which are simply the signs of collapse of our system, the system that have enslaved us and that have taken all rights away as possible from us. ... many might consider what I am talking about as Conspiracy Theory ... but it is not a theory, it's been the reality ... even the economic collapse is designed this way so that the group known as Illuminati could commence their new world order (also via world war III) but "their plan of the end of the world + the new world order" is not happening and won't. ... there are indeed those who have been aware of "their plan" and are against "them" have been working on to shift the whole world that sustains & functions, ... those on Earth and in Earth and off planet. ... even the NESARA I was talking about a while ago will be introduced, however, the word NESARA might be dead now due to the gag order that made too complicated to retrieve but the principle of the NESARA still exists and has been worked on ... which might be called as LIFE, Long-term Investments For Everyone (check Benjamin Fulford) ... the economy we know of & believe in is totally a scam, the sickening system, that was designed to only benefit & profit the few, ... not only economy but also our education system, pharmaceutics, FDA, media, government and the society we blindly have been supporting are run by the big corporations which are operated by the few in our world.
... the few manipulate their minions who enjoy their roles but most of them I believe are eager to escape but under the threats, thus, they remain. ... today, I am not writing you to inform about this dark force & the end of the world "theory" but I would like to introduce the page I just made on my site, it is just an assemble of the articles & the videos regard to expand our minds & our hearts in order for us to raise our greater awareness so that the awareness will open up our intelligence to save the people & the children from their agony and the whole world. ... we must become aware that our world is run by sick people, the control freaks. ... they invaded the United States a log time ago while we believed America was the country/land of Freedom ... but look, every aspect in this country has been controlled by "violations" that not only destroy but also kill innocents even in the outside of this country, and the country is (was) to become this protocol to spread to the whole world ... thus, it is our responsibility that we must wake up and shed the light to those dark plans of depopulation & enslavement. ... we have been in this slow boiling, and the time has come for us to FACE the TRUTH ... and our own Fear within that had supported this retarding & sickening system.
... many of you know that I am also into UFOs & ETs but I just would like to tell you this that the subject of UFO & ET is not for those New Age and Paranormal researches, the subject is DEEPLY connected to our own reality, the insane, inhumane & unjust practice of the secret government/institute, illuminati. ... it is a long ~~~~ history, and we all make mistakes, and that there are the ones we simply judge as bad ETs but there are also the enlightened ones/ETs who actually have long been around to help us & the planet out of this heavy density. ... like I said, it is a long history and the truth is that we are not the victims of this scenario but the (co)creators of this world ... but the time has come for us to move forward and leap.
my new page on my site for this subject : http://www.mermaidsutra.net/20121.html
I add what I find everyday in this regards ... please, feel free to visit and if you feel that would also help raise awareness of your friends & families, please, share with them.
and if you would like to understand more of where we are at, check my blog : http://www.mermaidsutra.net/blog.html
I have been working on a new blog called "to infinity & beyond" ... I hope I can share that on my site sometime within a week or so ...
whether you hear me or not, things will begin to inform you from all the angles soon, and in that case, the page I just created will no longer be needed, and which will be the wonderful news ! ... meanwhile, ridicule me & dismiss me if that has to be your choice :) ... I must say that it is not easy for me to speak up to the minds which are programmed to disbelieve rather than to believe ... and I also tried to shorten what I would like to say here, therefore, this message must be rather confusing. ... but as you check my site, I am sure you will begin to see the whole picture of our path ...
Happy New Moon ~ !
in my sincere & profound care to you all ... and the world ...
I just watched this movie on dvd with my son, ... it's just a kids movie, nothing spiritual or any of those but took me to the great understanding of what we are ... or to become ... which is also related to the blog "to infinity & beyond" ... please, look forward to it :)