The same day in the evening, he showed up in my life (in this lifetime) I was obviously feeling as if my battery was being recharged being near him. I was bluntly asking him, "Why am I so perky being around you?" He replied, "I was your teacher in our past life." and I immediately out of nowhere said to him, "no, you were my father." I didn't know where that came from in the moment.
He was a type of person who could see past lives, and later we found out he could connect to guardian angels, and that we simply bonded & were so happy with our reunion in this lifetime again, and also began our past lives recalls in our conversations, we were father & daughter for many lifetimes. ... And he was also simply psychic, and in one of our last conversations, one of the first things he said to me was "are you writing?" ... I hadn't told him I was working on my book(s) (for which my drafts are shared on my sites) but he just sensed it, he was always just like that, ... and here he gave me another chapter to write as he left this realm.
As I understand most of the souls on Earth have many many lifetimes which enrich, grow & evolve each soul, and to experience & experiment all the angles with many many soul mates, soul mates doesn't mean in love relationships, in fact, we are all soul mates of our planet, Gaia, & for our grand soul journey, and which to contribute to the All That Is, which is us the creators & the creation. But it seems mine & his always remained mutual. I of course can't be sure how much I remember, but I do feel there was only one life time that he came close to as my lover, I was an Oiran prostitute in an era of Japan. He came to save me by marrying me but I remained in the business after all. ... And it seems why we really didn't encounter as lovers was he came into my soul journey in this plane for a particular reason.
We talked about the time thousands of years ago but still on Earth that he was a snake that came to my life in the lifetime, the word we generally use now as a pet, which might be our first encounter on Earth. I didn’t blindly believe in whatever he said. As we talked about our past, interestingly I felt in my heart as if I was vaguely seeing the vision. There were two snakes, big one & little one. He was the big one. (Later I also remembered who the little one was.) In that era we were still able to communicate telepathically (we all lost the ability) ... he came to teach & expand me on "Serve to Others" ... I do believe I wasn't totally self-serving but it was still the time we accepted as it was, and that more to just devote oneself to one's own role to play the role, and that we ought to all expand more knowledge through experiences. Animals are in a way so self-content but they are & have been the mentors for the human souls from the beginning. Some teach that animal & such souls are lower than human souls, I personally think that is not totally true. Animal souls might not be as complicated as human souls but doesn’t mean lower as souls. And we humans are so disconnected that we just don't remember all these roles. While we lost the ability to communicate telepathically, we however still communicate with animals, especially, with domestic animal families in a different yet affectionate way, … affection, what an interesting texture. And also that they animals hold the grids of Earth, we all supposed to but since humans are not aligned within ourselves that disconnects from Earth, our energies are not so stable, and especially, whales & dolphins are very significant for the role. That is why we must treat them with great respect & appreciation, especially, now the crucial time of our uplifting/ascension.
While my friend had been assisting me on Serve to Others, he was of course a soul on Earth as well and that he also must have taken care of his own soul journey, being a human is not so simple for any soul in this disconnected realm, and his soul role to me seems always to have played the role of assistance. ... in the memory of a lifetime, he had already passed away, and I was on a boat with my lover alone but somehow a stranger showed up on the boat, and I was upset asking how in the middle of nowhere he could have been on my boat but I tripped and fell into the ocean and died. There was a creature in the ocean who dragged me into the depth, who was to have met me in the next lifetime, I was meant to die in order to reincarnate in the ocean in the next lifetime. And when I was talking about the lifetime with him, I suddenly understood it was him who showed up as a stranger on my boat in order for me to die in the ocean for I next had spent a long life(s) in the ocean with the creature who in fact was the soul who was the little snake in the lifetime of thousands years ago, and for me to directly experience human affects in the ocean. And my friend had remained on the land being a monk(s) while I was in the ocean, and in this lifetime he became a minister later in this life.
There were/are also the souls of "Serve to Self" ... which sounds quite selfish but held the great purpose for the Yin Yang expansion & enrichment of the Grand Soul Purpose as we as Whole/Oneness. However, those who were/are in the role of Serve to Self have trapped themselves in the role and even worse to abuse the role. As "they" served & dedicated themselves to the role, "they" have been into perfecting the role. Manipulating anything they can to "Serve to Self". ... This third dimensional realm holds quite density, especially, as we enriched the density, the fall, and that the attachment in this density holds a very unique texture for the souls on Earth to separate from. And even those in higher dimensions, as they learn about this realm, they can also be affected in the density of understanding.
As I partly remember many lifetimes with him, and this soul as I must have been through many death of him that this soul must be used to his death but still in great shock, and death, however, is the illusion after all that we all exist but we here exist in the realm of disconnection with such attachments, it is indeed very hard to snap out of any attachment. And knowing his great soul I right away understood it was his call yet still didn't understand why it had to be through a homicide.
He was a gay although he had married to a gorgeous sweet woman & had a beautiful handsome son. Later in his life (this lifetime) he realized himself as a gay. And he had majored in theater in college, and a business with jewelry, (he was a keeper of stones when he was a monk/s) and joined choir and became a reverend after his retirement. Because of his sixth sense which simply effects his five senses more sensitive, He always appreciated the beauty of this material world which indulged his five senses, he so enjoyed the intricacy of textures and to express them in his own unique & passionate ways, and made me wonder in what way his soul would have chosen to die, ... and it really feels it was a plan B. His first choice must have been to live longer but in this crucial moment of Earth, Gaia, and is the great soul of Serve to Others must have taken this sudden plan B since things are in delay for Grand Ascension, and in order for him to join in this moment to elevate the energy, and for that, to clean the energy of humanity ... so to die by an accident? or an heart attack? ... but majored in theater, of course he would have chosen "homicide" which is so drastic, yet clearly shows as the soul of Serve to Others to our minds & hearts the great issue of this dysfunctional reality of our society for us to care. However, amazingly, no one who related to him seems to hold any hatred toward the murderer(s), even his family. All of us who mourn his death are all focusing on his departure. We are all preparing to celebrate his parting on his funeral taking care of his yard & all while investigation is taking place. Usually there could be much of gloomy feelings lingering around any death, but instead, his death is bringing much more Light rather than total chaos & grief. ... And as he had a strong sixth sense, he would have sensed to avoid what to come ... but he didn't. (murderers, please, don’t get a wrong idea. You still have to face the consequences of your wrong doing for your own to work on, that is your part.)
Death itself is an illusion that there is no separation, however, for us who are here in a disconnected realm, death just simply separate us here from who are there on the other side(s). Gaia has been raising herself in order to uplift all of us in frequency wise. There will be no more crimes or sickness, even death in the higher realms. And if death is an illusion then why it is that Gaia chose to take this ascension path so carefully instead of moving as fast as She could wish which of course would cause entire physical humans & earthlings to be perished from the surface of Earth. Why She wouldn't choose the quick way just for her to move up to where she is heading is to gift us the Beauty of Awakening instead of a way of waking up from a dream via death. It is such a precious process that humanity wake up on our own, however, the density of the attachment here is so great while things are even being manipulated to repeat, which to hold us in the lower frequency that it seems our waking process is quite in delay although we are catching up in quite fast pace also, and the longer we stay the harder it becomes for us to elevate. And either through death or not, we are to wake up but Gaia is choosing for us to see & experience the Grand Beauty of The Process. The process in this 3D realm in time & space is very unique as in the higher dimensions things can happen & manifest much quicker, and we are the ones who must know the beauty of the process, and that She has been here for us & with us to experiment our grand soul journey for a longest time, then, why She would choose to spoil the end by just selfishly ascend herself by killing everyone by the shock of death by the natural disasters of earthquakes, volcano eruptions & rapid pole shift and all. ... She has been so patiently & carefully with us now that it is time for us to join her, isn't it ? ... For that some souls are being chosen, or rather say, those souls knew in their soul contracts about their plan B that might take in order to contribute to the awakening & uplifting of the humanity.
He had chosen a gay in this lifetime. In fact, many, if not all of us, have been gays in our soul journeys and in some way being gays was just a natural state as unconditional & universal love is achieved, since Love is nothing to do with "regulate" or "prevent" ... Love is simply to allow to grow. ... Being a gay sadly is still a great challenge even in this 21st century in where still so much density of prejudice & even hatred can surround by those who rather attach to their beliefs (attachments) in which they feel safe. Those souls who chose to be gays in this lifetime is quite brave & rebels to have joined the task to be different in the society where normal is preferred yet being normal is quite unhealthy & unhuman. We live in & blindly support the society that abuses our sensitivity, sensuality, sexuality & creativity to make us all numb & apathy, and the numbness & apathy have become our safety zone.
Universe ... Uni (one) + Verse (song) ... we are One Song, yet doesn't mean we all become one color. The song is made of each unique chord, each unique voice, which never ends playing, delivering & expressing. Maybe, Universe was One Word first, but must have been so bored, thus, decided to become More & Greater. And here we are as the result and still expanding even Grander. How could we stop this evolution, evolution is our natural state, our simple nature.
While we need the revolution, many rebels came on Earth, whether subtle or obvious, in order to break through the thick wall of slavery, and to save those in Serve to Self from the abyss of their attachments, we are the Rebel-U-Tion in our time.
My friend is being called for the plan B of his soul contract, and is one of those who says it's all meant to be. However, it feels like the "Meant-To-Be" has begun its own consciousness in evolution, something huge feels being formed & born ... Rest In Peace, my friend?, ... no, he now has much greater task to do & more songs to sing to vibrate us the Universe for the grand planetary cleansing & expansion.
... In our last conversation, I suggested him that he now should connect with his galactic family and he was amused with the suggestion, I meant through his psyche, and now he is gone from our realm but joining in “being Universe” in order for all of us to merge in to the consciousness of Oneness again. ... Looking forward to seeing you again when we get there with Gaia soon, my friend ...
In honor of my friend’s ascension,
and dedicated to his beautiful son, Adam …
Russell Brand - The only thing that matters to any of us is Love
Published on YouTube, Nov 21, 2013 by Tim Shieff . Thanks for the amazing response, here's a download link to the audio for you to carry with you: https://soundcloud.com/timothy-shieff... . What a privilege it was to edit the words of one of the greatest men of our generation. . Having said that this video is not about Russell Brand at all it is about the message and that message has never been more simple, its LOVE. . I share a lot of the same beliefs with Russell and was inspired to do this project as he says things I feel and in such an open, honest and pure way on media platforms in the public eye. . Trimmed from hours of inspiring, loving and pure truth interviews/talks Russell has been involved in throughout the last year. . I do not own any of the rights to the visual or audio content within this video. It was made as creative project. An expression of newage theories in a somewhat artistic way. . Music: Clint Mansell - The Fountain OST
the video below : 10000 people performing altogether ...
Can we imagine that ALL OF US are in fact vibrating to co-create this entire Universe(s) together Here & Now, and if we the humans on Earth are very conscious about it then what we can for this world and to contribute the Universe ? |
Beethoven - Symphony No.9 (10000 Japanese) - Freude schöner Götterfunken
Uploaded on YouTube, Jan 2, 2012 by mr23monkey © arte . Please take a look on my blog: http://niklasphotography.wordpress.com/ . and my Photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/niklasph... . Sorry for the bad quality! 10000 Japans sing the ending choir of Symphony No. 9 by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ode to joy - Freude schöner Götterfunken (Schlusschor)
432Hz vs. 528Hz - Attuned Vibrations
Some people ask me which frequency is the best choice for healing purposes. The answer is simple: use the one that works best for you. Both 432Hz and the 528Hz Love frequency are proven to create healing vibrations for the mind, body and spirit. That being said, we as human beings are constantly changing and our energy channels may need different ranges of notes or frequencies. There is a huge amount of people who have wonderful effects with music tuned to 432Hz. However, there is also a significant cross-selection of the human race who have healing experiences with both the 528Hz and Solfeggio harmonics. >>> http://attunedvibrations.com/432hz-vs-528hz/
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